Education, Science and Cultural Cooperation


  • The Australia Awards, New Colombo Plan, and education cooperation

Since the transition of Mongolia to the democratic society and free market economy, Australia was at the front, extending their hand to help Mongolia, especially towards its capacity building. As of today, more than 650 Mongolians obtained quality education in Australia through the “Australia Awards” scholarship scheme. The vibrant Australian alumni network in Mongolia fondly refers themselves as the “Mozzies”. Many Australian students from the Australian National University, University of Wollongong, Edith Cowan University, Curtin University, and other universities are taking short and long-term courses in Mongolia through the New Colombo Plan. According to the statistics, more than half of the 6,500 Mongolian community in Australia are students.

  • Defence and security cooperation  

Mongolia and Australia cooperate closely on global and regional issues including in defence and security. Contributing to international peacekeeping and security has been a vital focus of our collaboration. Mongolians and Australians have served together in many UN Peacekeeping Operations in South Sudan, Kosovo and Sierra Leone, also jointly deployed on coalition operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Australia is also a regular participant in the annual Khaan Quest peacekeeping exercises hosted by Mongolia. The 7th Mongolia-Australia Defence Policy Talks were held in Ulaanbaatar on 9-13 September 2022 and co-chaired by Mr D.Gankhuyag, State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence of Mongolia and H.E. Katie Smith, Ambassador of Australia to Mongolia.

  • Australian Volunteers in Mongolia

Australian Volunteers Programme has a long history in Mongolia. Since 1998 over 300 volunteers have mobilized through the program. Every year the AVP supports the deployment of around 30 skilled Australians to undertake volunteer assignments aimed at improving the capacity of partner organisations in sectors of high priority to Australian and Mongolian governments. These volunteers also promote positive people-to-people links between individuals, organisations and communities in Mongolia and in Australia.

  • Mongolian Studies in Australia

Mongolian studies center was established at the Australian National University in 2011. In 2012, it was upgraded into the Mongolian Institute. The Institute is making significant contribution towards Mongolian studies in Australia. The institute organises conferences on Mongolian studies as well as the “Mongolia Update” annually. Also, the Institute provides Mongolian language short training course at the beginning of each year. The Embassy of Mongolia in Australia in collaboration with the Mongolia Institute at the Australian National University, School of International Relations and Public Administration of the National University of Mongolia organized the “Mongolia Update: Mongolia-Australia Diplomatic Relations 50“ conference in Ulaanbaatar on 12 August 2022.

  • “Work and Holiday” visa arrangement

The long-awaited and highly anticipated Memorandum of Understanding on “Work and Holiday” visa arrangement was signed on 31 March 2022 by Mr N.Ankhbayar, State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and the Hon Alex Hawke MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs. It went into effect on 1 July 2022, allowing 100 young Mongolian and 100 young Australians each year to enjoy a 12-month holiday in each other’s country, during which they may undertake short-term work and study. Also, with the introduction of electronic visa system this year, Australians now can apply for their visas online